

Let us face facts: Divorce is an emotional roller-coaster on a good day.  For most people, going through a separation and a divorce is nothing short of traumatic, even if the divorce is uncontested. Inevitably, you will be required to make decisions along the way that impact you and your family; some decisions will be minor, and others will not.  

If you have decided to "take matters into your own hands," we urge you to reconsider. The divorce process in Virginia is complicated and confusing.  There are legal issues at every turn, and you may not be fully equipped to address these issues.  It is important that you consult with an experienced Virginia divorce lawyer before diving, head-first into the world of family law.  

The right divorce attorney can help you make important decisions, and will be a vital source of information throughout the process. Acting without (or against) legal advice may have a very severe impact on your future.  For example, if you receive a document from your spouse that purports to resolve some (or all) of the issues, it might appear very fair and equitable to you.  However, you might not fully comprehend some of the language, and your signature may cause you to waive certain claims that you would have otherwise had, such as a claim for spousal support, or perhaps a lucrative claim towards a share of a retirement account held by your spouse. Too often, we meet with individuals who have suffered due to their failure to promptly consult with an experienced Virginia divorce lawyer.  Please do not let that be you.  

Our suggestion: speak with a divorce lawyer as soon as you believe that a separation is imminent.  If nothing else, the consultation should help you avoid many of the common pitfalls. BoykoNapier is based in the Richmond area and we are proud to represent citizens throughout Central Virginia, including Henrico, Chesterfield, Hanover and the surrounding localities. If you are going through a separation or divorce, please contact us.  Our attorneys are experienced in all aspects of Virginia divorce and family law issues.  Call us today at (804) 658-3418, or contact us via email.