Relocation Custody Cases

Relocation Custody Cases

If you are faced with a child custody, visitation, or parental kidnapping issue involving parental relocation, take a quick suggestion: obtain legal counsel as soon as possible! An experienced family law attorney can help guide you through the legal issues closely associated with relocation and parental kidnapping. Our attorneys handle cases throughout Central Virginia, including Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield and Hanover.


Virginia Child Custody Lawyers

When one parent relocates, there are numerous questions and concerns that are likely to swarm through the minds of both parents. These questions are best answered by an experienced family law attorney.


General Questions associated with Parental Relocation and Child Custody

  • For the parent who relocates:

    • Will the other parent petition to enjoin my relocation or ask that I return the child?
    • Will I be able to prove that relocation is in my child’s best interest?
    • Why did I choose to relocate with my child?
    • Will the Court rule in my favor and approve my relocation?
    • Will the Court give the other parent custody of my child because I relocated?


  • For the parent who remains:

    • Should I petition the Court to ask that my child be returned?
    • What petition or motion should I file with the Court?
    • Which Court should I file in?
    • Will the Court rule in my favor?


These are all very common, yet important questions that should be answered promptly–hence the need for an experienced custody lawyer. Every circumstance is different. If you are facing a relocation custody issue, call an attorney at BoykoNapier today by phone at (804) 658-3418 or via email.

The experienced attorneys at BoykoNapier are ready to handle your case. If you are in need of a lawyer, contact our office.